What you stand on is your 'Point Of Origin'.
How aware are you of your Point Of Origin?
Not aware enough...Finding The Point Of Origin You Stand On Now
Most human beings are rather completely unaware of their Point Of Origin.
Remaining unaware of your Point Of Origin is an effective Survival Strategy.
If you remain unaware of your Point Of Origin then you have no power to change it. This means you continue to live out of your current Point Of Origin, the one you received from your parents, your schooling, your culture, and your times.
By avoiding taking Radical Responsibility for your current and potential Points Of Origin, you also avoid serving your Bright Principles and your Archetypal Lineage. You also remain rather uninteresting to the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.).
Remaining uninteresting to archetypal forces of nature is a personal choice.
No on can relocate your Point Of Origin for you.
No one can stop you from relocating your Point Of Origin.
It is necessary to locate your Point Of Origin before you can relocate your Point Of Origin.
Makes sense, doesn't it?
How can you do whatever is necessary to decide if you want to relocate your Point Of Origin if you don't know where it already is and why you have kept it exactly there - perhaps unconsciously - for all this time?
If you are not excruciatingly aware of the location and Purpose that your Point Of Origin is currently tied to, how can you even grab ahold of it?HAVING A WEAK INNER STRUCTURE IS A SURVIVAL STRATEGY
The point on which you stand establishes where you come from.
The point on which you stand determines what you can cause and create.
The point you stand on is your point of origin.
Until 8 o'clock this morning, I thought that my point of origin was in the past. That this is where I came from, my childhood, creating and survival strategies and so on.
Until 8 o'clock this morning, I thought that my past was fixed, concreted, because over and unchangeable. That my whole past is like dead dots that can't be changed because they are over.
I thought that only the present is flexible and fluid, because I can change my point of view at any time and go where I want.
But at the very top of this webpage it says something different and I had to read it a few times to even begin to understand the meaning. It totally turned my box upside down - and to be completely honest, better not try to understand the meaning of those sentences with your box. Your box can't understand it. That would be like trying to fly a jet with a Chinese instruction manual when you've never flown before.
So back to the statements:
The point you stand on determines where you come from.
The point you stand on determines what you can do and create.
The point you stand on is your point of origin.
When that is true, the connection between where I am now and where I came from becomes fluid. There is no longer a fixed, defined point.
If that's true, all I can tell about my childhood is a story. One of many stories. And stories are never true. They are just stories. If that's true, everything that ever happened is healed. By declaration and forever.
If that is true, I am always standing on my point of origin, on the source point, on the point where everything can originate. If that is true, there is nothing to say about the past and there is nothing to say about the future.
And if that is true, everything is possible right now.
How To Relocate Your Point Of Origin
123The Point Of Origin of the term 'Point Of Origin'...
This is a short excerpt from the film Stargate, Matrix Code MOVIE175.00
Point Of Origin Experiments
NOTE: Please be gentle with yourself while you do these Experiments. Relocating your Point Of Origin can be startling or disorienting at first. Like swimming, or skiing, or hang-gliding for the first time, your new reference frame for your Point Of Origin has qualities that are very different from your previous Point Of Origin, standing on solid ground.
Matrix Code POINTOFO.01
Write down 10 goals that your parents taught you and that a man / woman your age should have achieved / should achieve soon.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code POINTOFO.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Title Text
A small taglineA sentence or two describing this item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet.
Title Text
A small taglineTitle Text
Matrix Code POINTOFO.02
Write down 10 goals that teachers taught you in school that a man/woman your age should have achieved/should achieve soon.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code POINTOFO.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code POINTOFO.03
Write down 10 goals that a man/woman your age should have achieved/should soon achieve in the culture in which you live.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code POINTOFO.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code POINTOFO.04
Sit in your car and turn off the navigation system if you have one. Drive over smaller roads until you don't know where you are. (This can be a few hours or days and it is possible that the experiment will last several days).
If you have no idea where you are at all, turn off your car and get out. What can you use to orient yourself?What does the position of the sun tell you about where you might be? When you see a person, ask them what the name of the place you are in is. Also ask about some details or special features of that place, for example:
- What special sights are there in that place? (Then go there if you want, without having them explain how to get there).
- What is the specialty that you must try here and where can I get it? (Then go to that place if you want, without having the way to get there explained to you).
- What special people live in this place? (Visit them if you like).
Make a decision about which direction to continue. Stop from time to time and ask someone what the name of this place is that you are in.
The experiment is to never ask anyone how to get to any known place, but always ask where you are right now and continue from there.
All the time, draw in your BEEP!Book the new points where you are and connect them. Also write the information that you hear from others or that you gather yourself and that seems important to you.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code POINTOFO.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code POINTOFO.05
Pack your backpack for a trip that may take a few days. Then buy a train ticket and go to a place you have never been to and that is at least 700 km away from your home. You know the name of the place where you get off, because the name is on your train ticket.
Walk from that place without a map and without knowing where you are going. Orient yourself by the position of the sun.
When you see a person, ask him what is the name of this place where you are. Also ask about some details or special features of that place, for example:
- What special sights are there in that place? (Then go there if you want, without having them explain how to get there).
- What is the specialty that you must try here and where can you get it? (Then go to that place if you want, without having the way to get there explained to you).
- What special people live in this place? (Visit them if you like).
Make a decision about which direction you want to go. From time to time, ask someone what the name of this place is that you are in.
The experiment is to never ask anyone how to get to any known place, but always ask where you are right now and walk from there.
All the time, draw in your BEEP!Book the new points where you are and connect them. Also write the information that you hear from others or that you gather yourself and that seems important to you.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code POINTOFO.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code POINTOFO.06
Everyone needs a large sheet of paper that is at least flipchart size. Person A starts and puts the sheet of paper on the floor.
Then Person A draws the origin point on the paper in the shape of a cross. This is the point where person A is standing right now, the origin point. The point where the river originates. The origin point is not in the future and not in the past. It is the source point, the starting point.
Person A stands on this origin point and begins by saying:
"I am standing exactly on the origin point. This is the point where everything originates..."
Person A talks for 10 minutes about what springs from this point. The others on the team give feedback and coaching.Then comes person B and so on.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code POINTOFO.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code POINTOFO.07
Ask a person to help you carry out an experiment. Go to a pedestrian zone together. Blindfold your eyes so that you are blind. Then take a walk through the city together. Your companion supports you by making sure you don't get run over or run into a lamppost.
Experiment with variations:
- Your companion walks hand in hand with you and gives you information about the surroundings and the current destination: "We are now on the west side of the train station and walk towards the subway station." At the same time, your companion decides where the two of you will walk.
- Your companion walks with you while being in physical contact with you. For example, she might put a hand on your shoulder or put a hand in your jacket pocket while you walk. You decide where to walk next, and the companion gives you information about the surroundings as you walk. "We're walking toward a shoe store right now. Do you want to go inside?" Make a decision and keep walking.
- Your companion walks close beside you and gives you information about possible dangers. She touches you only in case of emergency and does not talk to you otherwise.
Throughout the experiment, you can notice what possibilities you have with all 5 bodies and all senses to guide you. There are 4 feelings: anger, fear, sadness and joy.Which ones do you notice and why are they there now? ("I feel anger/fear/sadness/joy because...")
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code POINTOFO.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code POINTOFO.08
If it is true that the point of origin is the point where you are standing right now, and if it is true that the point of origin determines where you come from, then it is so:
- Not only is the point you are standing at right now flexible, in the sense of being fluid in the sense of not being defined, but so is the place you are coming from.
The experiment goes like this: write 5 stories about your childhood. Each story on a DIN A 4 page. All of them have the title "My childhood". All of them are different. All are your stories. All are NOT true. (No story is true. There is no such thing as a true story. And all you can tell about your past are stories).Stories keep the spotlight on different aspects, for example, My childhood made me strong because... / My childhood made me a cripple because... / My childhood made me love trees because... / My childhood was full of gifts because... / My childhood broke my heart because....
Tell your stories to other people and notice how the space changes in each case.What effects in the other person does your story create?
What feelings and emotions does your story create in yourself and in the other person?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code POINTOFO.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code POINTOFO.09
Distill your Bright Principles
Your Bright Principles are an archetypal force of nature, they are what is in the room because you are there right now.
When you have awareness of this unique set of natural forces, you have more clarity about what to do right now in this moment.You can do the process of distilling your Bright Principles in an ETB training or contact a trainer to do it. It is available online. https://expandthebox.mystrikingly.com/#trainers
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code POINTOFO.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code POINTOFO.10
Every day for the next week, do this experiment: set your timer for one hour. Every time the timer rings (or barks), stop what you are doing immediately (unless you are crossing a busy street).
Say the phrase, "Here is my point of origin. This is where everything originates."
Then consciously choose which is your next step and action. Go from there and keep going until the timer stops you again.
Stay in this Locate-Relocate stage all day and all week.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code POINTOFO.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code POINTOFO.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!